

When we lose someone in our lives it can be difficult to think about the practical bits.

One of the most useful things you can do is spend some time gathering information and documents, such as copies of death certificates, bank statements and utility bills.

At Just DB, we want to make sure any pension payments due to dependants are paid to the right person and in good time.

When you contact us about a bereavement, we’ll send you a brochure with some practical help to support you. The government-backed MoneyHelper website is also a useful source for what to do when someone dies, including sorting out their estate and money.

What to do if there's a bereavement


If you're retired

If you’re retired and we’re paying your pension, we may make payments after your death to:

  • a qualifying dependant (your husband, wife, civil partner or financial dependant), or
  • a qualifying child or children.

Your policy document will explain whether your pension includes further payments when you die and who qualifies for a dependant’s or children’s pension.

When you die, your next of kin (or the person you’ve chosen to handle your affairs) should notify us as soon as possible. This will ensure we can pay any pension that’s due to the right person, in good time.

If your pension has a guaranteed payment period, there may also be a lump sum payment due. This lump sum will typically be equal to any pension payments we would have paid you for the rest of the guarantee period.

Our team is trained to support loved ones after bereavement. They will:

  • explain whether a dependant or children’s pension will be paid and, if so, the payments due, and
  • walk the person through the process of setting up these payments.

We’ll need a death certificate, and maybe some other information, but we can start the process without this.

Contact us


If you're not yet retired

If you die before we start paying your pension, we may pay your pension to:

  • a qualifying dependant (your husband, wife, civil partner or financial dependant), or
  • a qualifying child or children.

A lump sum payment may also be due. This will be explained in your policy document, along with who qualifies for these payments.

When you die, your next of kin (or the person you've chosen to handle your affairs) should tell us as soon as possible. This will ensure we can make any payments that are due to the right person, in good time.

Our team is trained to support loved ones after bereavement. They will:

  • explain whether a dependant or children’s pension will be paid and, if so, the payments due, and
  • walk the person through the process of setting up any payments that are due.

We’ll need a death certificate and maybe some other information, but we can start the process without this.

Contact us



In situations where a member has died and their pension is already being paid to a dependant, there may be payments due to a qualifying child or children if the dependant then passes away.

We recommend you get in touch with us.

Our team is trained to support loved ones after bereavement. They will:

  • explain whether a child/children’s pension will be paid, and
  • guide the person through the process of setting up any payments that are due.

Notifying us of a death

If you’re responsible for managing the affairs of someone who has passed away, we’ll guide you through the process step by step, so everything is managed correctly.

It's important you notify us as soon as possible when a Just member dies. This will ensure we can pay any pension that’s due to the right person, in good time.

We'll need:

  • Death certificate
  • Marriage or civil partnership certificate and proof of ID (for a spouse pension)
  • Proof of ID and financial dependency (for a financial dependant)
  • Child's ID and maybe proof of dependency or proof of education (for a child pension).

When we speak to you, we'll explain what we need in more detail.

Contact us